Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Google Lends a Hand to Samsung

A little while after Apple winning in court which in turn banned Google's Jelly Bean flag ship, Google was quick to push an OTA update which was meant to get Google out of trouble. Basically dumbing down the home screen search bar to only show up web based searches instead of searching the phone for files, music, or even in-app, meaning it can't search the Gmail application. We all now that search is  a major part of Android, in fact its Google's entire business! And by removing search you are basically removing the life blood of Android. But for now we don't know if users will have the option to accept the update or not. Luckily the lawsuit doesn't affect Jelly Bean's main feature which is basically a Siri competitor called "Google Now". Luckily for us the lawsuit only affects the Galaxy Nexus and not Jelly Bean's "Google Now" or Jelly Bean at all.

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